Home / Kodak 1324391
Kodak 1324391

Kodak 1324391

Part Number: 1324391

KODAK Printer Accessory for i2900 and i3000 Scanners Includes: components necessary for installing the Printer Accessory as well as 1 black ink cartridge, screwdriver and installation instructions - Usage: provides an effective way to apply rear side printing at full scanner speed. Rear Side, POST Scan, 40 Characters max., 9 Positions;

Prezzo di vendita € 599,63

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KODAK Printer Accessory for i2900 and i3000 Scanners Includes: components necessary for installing the Printer Accessory as well as 1 black ink cartridge, screwdriver and installation instructions - Usage: provides an effective way to apply rear side printing at full scanner speed. Rear Side, POST Scan, 40 Characters max., 9 Positions;

Innovate Italia S.r.l., via della Maglianella, 65 E/H - 00166 Roma, Codice Fiscale e Partita I.V.A.: 13309131004
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